Thursday, April 12, 2007

What I've learned:

I turn 27 this week. Not that it's any big milestone, but I thought I'd mark the occasion by listing a few things I think I've learned. Here goes:

Life is a never ending battle against dust and body hair.

Take risks. Don't take careless chances.

The dimple in your tie and the shine on your shoes lets people know you care about your appearance.

Naps, naps, naps.

Leg hair is manly, chest hair is manly, but manliness can apparently only be expressed on one side of the body, because according to my sources - ass hair and back hair are unacceptable.

I still like to buy CD's, because I find the song that speaks to me most is usually one that most people never hear.

It's the little things. There's nothing bigger.

Strolling back to your hotel on the the Vegas strip after the sun comes up feels like you're getting away with something.
Growing up means you have to do that little back and forth where you argue about who 'gets' to pick up the check.

A party doesn't really get going until someone buys the first round of shots.

There is no good reason to eat salad. It's like eating weeds slathered in goo.

Always keep at least 3 bottles of wine around. You never know.

People always want to get away, but people in airports just want to get home.

One phone call can accomplish what 9 e-mails cannot.

I flew 40,000 miles last year to about 2 dozen different cities. Nothing is more annoying than going to an Applebee's when you get there. Every place is the same unless you go dig around a bit and find a local gem. The best was an out-of-the way steakhouse in Kansas City where the bartender gave me a free bottle of wine because I told her I walked a mile and a half to find this place. I actually walked 3 miles, but it was a nice night - and I didn't want her to think I was nuts.

I distinctly remember the first time I caught myself checking a woman's hand for a wedding ring, and thinking to myself - 'whoa, does this mean I'm old? I never used to do that when I was 16.'

The most interesting people you meet at a cocktail party are the people on the edge of the room.

Hard work helps, but luck is essential.

All weddings are the same. I hope mine isn't.

It's hard to say what I've learned. I'm just trying to keep growing.


  1. My favorites:

    "Take risks. Don't take careless chances."

    "I still like to buy CD's, because I find the song that speaks to me most is usually one that most people never hear."

    "It's the little things. There's nothing bigger."

    "Always keep at least 3 bottles of wine around. You never know."

    "The most interesting people you meet at a cocktail party are the people on the edge of the room."

    Happy Birthday Mark

  2. I hope you have a very happy birthday, Mark!

    - Julie
