Saturday, October 6, 2007

1 Day Until the Assault

Sunday morning at 8am I'll be running 26.2 miles in my first marathon - The Twin Cities Marathon, defying all logic and common sense. The race starts at the Metrodome, winds its way around the Minneapolis lakes, finishing at the State Capitol in St. Paul. They bill it as 'the most beautiful urban marathon in the country' - and it's typically a runners favorite because of the cool temperatures and beautiful scenery of turning leaves and fall colors. However, tomorrow they're saying it might be a little steamy - 73 degrees or so, and a chance of rain showers on and off. Running with an umbrella tends to slow you down, so I'm hoping for just a light drizzle.

My main goal is just to finish the marathon with all my limbs and joints intact. Time wise - I'm thinking I'll finish somewhere between 4:30 and 5:30...but anything could happen. Considering my longest 'race' up till now has been a 5k (3.1 miles), finishing 26.2 is accomplishment enough in itself. I'm thinking the crowds of other runners should help pull me along and serve as semi pace-setters, plus the adrenaline rush of race day will give a boost. My old roommate Josh is also running the race with me, but we decided not to run together - because we go at slightly different paces.

I got my pre-race meal in today at Chipotle. Lots of marathoners go for the pasta dinner to carbo-load, but my dad used to run marathons - and he said the spaghetti would sit kind of heavy in his stomach on race day. Thus, I went for the burrito carbo-load at lunch today.

Live Race Tracking - Mark Roberts

If you want to track my progress between 8am CDT and 1pm CDT - you can click the link above, and it'll give you a tracking of my progress. All runners wear a little microchip attached to their shoe so they can track your time.

A bunch of my relatives are in town this weekend to watch the race, and they all want to go out for dinner tonight - pizza. I'll be ordering a glass of water and a toothpick.
When the race is over, results should be posted on this site.

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