Monday, July 28, 2008

Mad Men, Season 2

With The Sopranos over, House on summer vacation, and nothing else new being churned out by HBO this summer - my DVR has had some serious gaps to fill.

Last weekend, AMC ran a marathon of the entire first season of their much acclaimed drama, Mad Men, and I decided I'd dip my toe in the water. I realize I'm a bit late to this party - but I figured it's not too late.

Living up to the hype, it's definitely one of those dramas that you get lost in. The show is set in a 1960's advertising firm on Madison Avenue (hence, Mad Men). It follows the womanizing, boozing, chauvinist office-dynamics of a non-PC America in the booming years following WWII. Mostly, I just love the suits these guys wear. I'm not sure if I can pull off the skinny tie look - but I'll be damned if I'm not going to give it a try this week.

Season 2 debuted tonight (Sunday) - and I think it's worth checking out - if you're not already a loyal fan. My guess is that if you set your DVR to just record every episode, you'll probably catch up on season 1 pretty quickly with the repeats they show.

If you don't have a DVR yet - then it's almost like you're living in the 60's anyway, so this show is all the more perfect for you.

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