This video has everything. Here's the play-by-play:
- Knight wearing guyliner rides horse through stream
- He meets a medieval lady
- He valiantly defends her from some sparks
- And then the sword-wielding vampire ladies come
- Don’t point that thing at me, bitch is you crazy?
- Bad guy split screen!
- Hooded guy in a mask on fire!
- Two sword ladies!
- Wild horses wildly running
- Good guy split screen!
- And then the snow angels show up.
- They’ve got candles.
- For the lovers to drip crotch wax, you see.
- Snowy mountains
- Matching robes!
You get the picture. And that was only the first 1:20 or so. From there we get pirates, a ship exploding, a ghost romance, more explosions, a gang of pterodactyls, a crocodile… hold on. Yep, I'm gonna need a new pair of shorts.
This is one for under the Christmas tree!