Sunday, January 11, 2009

Washington D See

east coast mark spent last week in Washington D.C. for some work meetings. It turns out it was one of the last weeks before the Socialist Obama Administration takes over and starts their indoctrination. It was disgusting how many Minivans I saw driving around with Obama bumper stickers...but I digress.

We took in a few cool events while in town:

Tuesday night we rented out this swank new bowling alley called '300' - which really has more of the feel of a Vegas nightclub than bowling alley. While you're bowling they have cocktail waitresses in slinky black dresses coming around to tend to your every need. Compare this to the annoying high school kids that are normally running around a bowling alley, and I think they're onto a hot concept. I guess these are popping up around the country, so keep a look out.

Wednesday night we took in the Wizards vs. Raptors NBA game. All my European colleagues were bored stiff, and they kept talking about how 'futbol' is so much more exciting. I had to agree that watching these two cellar-dwelling teams was pretty brutal. Half of them left around the third quarter to find a 'pub'. Turns out that's European for 'bar'. Being an American sports fan, I knew better - and that NBA players don't really try until the 4th quarter.

Our last night we had a banquet at the 'Newseum' - which is this trendy new museum based around the history of news. Yeah, D.C. is getting a tad-bit specific with their museums. Nonetheless, it was a pretty cool space - and the dinner was catered by Wolfgang Puck's catering service. I stepped out on the balcony and snapped this pic after finishing my braised short rib.

Also - it turns out that while out at the bars in D.C., telling the local women that you're 'from New York' goes over big. Not sure why exactly, but I'll take it.

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