Wednesday, November 17, 2010

4 Complete

Forgot to mention this last month - but I completed my 4th marathon in October. Set a PR of 4:54:00. Granted, it was only a PR by 36 seconds - but a PR nonetheless, and I now have a 4th piece of hardware hanging on my wall.

JP and I ran the first 13 miles together, nonstop, in a PR (for me) of 2:17:11. I then stopped for a little walk while Josh went ahead, and then we proceeded to pass and catch each other numerous times over the last half of the race. Eventually we settled in, carried each other at times, and agreed to finish together.

For 2011, I've registered for a Half Ironman on the same weekend as the 2011 version of the Twin Cities Marathon - meaning my streak of 4 consecutive TCM's will come to an end. Though, with a Half Ironman in October, and (hopefully) the NYC Marathon in November - I'll be sufficiently worked. FYI: Half Ironman is a 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, 13.1 mile run.

If I'm feeling particularly saucy, I'm kicking around the idea of Grandma's Marathon in June.

This fall, I've been working with a swimming coach, and keeping up 25-50 weekly miles on the bike. The mild Mid-Atlantic weather means outdoor biking and running are in play until late December.

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